Replacing a garage door seal is a simple process that can be done with a few basic tools and some patience.

In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to replace a Garage Door Repair Argyle TX seal:

Step 1: Measure the Garage Door Seal

The first step in replacing a garage door seal is to measure the existing seal. This will help you determine the length of the new seal you need to purchase. To measure the seal, close the garage door and measure the length of the seal along the bottom of the door. Make sure to measure the full length of the door, including any curves or angles.

Step 2: Purchase a New Garage Door Seal

Once you have measured the existing seal, you can purchase a new one from a hardware store or online retailer. Make sure to get the right length and type of seal for your garage door. There are several types of garage door seals available, including bottom seals, threshold seals, and weather-stripping seals.

Step 3: Remove the Old Garage Door Seal

To remove the old garage door seal, start by opening the garage door. Next, locate the seal along the bottom of the door. You may need to use a pry bar or pliers to remove any nails or staples holding the seal in place. Once the seal is free, pull it off the bottom of the door and discard it.

Step 4: Clean the Bottom of the Garage Door

Before installing the new seal, it’s important to clean the bottom of the garage door. Use a wire brush or scraper to remove any dirt, debris, or old adhesive from the surface. This will help the new seal adhere properly and ensure a tight seal.

Step 5: Install the New Garage Door Seal

To install the new garage door seal, start at one end of the door and position the seal so that the flat edge is flush against the bottom of the door. Make sure the seal is straight and in the correct position before attaching it. Use a staple gun or nails to secure the seal in place, making sure to space the fasteners evenly along the length of the seal.

Step 6: Test the Garage Door Seal

Once the new seal is installed, close the garage door and check the seal for any gaps or openings. If there are any gaps, adjust the seal as needed to ensure a tight fit. You can also test the seal by shining a flashlight under the closed door and looking for any light coming through.

Step 7: Trim the Excess Seal

If the new seal is longer than the length of the garage door, use a utility knife or scissors to trim off any excess material. Make sure to cut the seal straight and at a right angle to the bottom of the door.

Step 8: Apply Lubricant

To ensure the garage door operates smoothly, apply lubricant to the bottom of the door where the seal is attached. This will help the door slide smoothly over the seal and reduce wear and tear on the seal over time.

In conclusion, replacing a Garage Door Repair Argyle TX seal is a simple process that can be done with a few basic tools and some patience. By following these steps, you can install a new seal that will provide a tight, secure seal for your garage door and help keep out the elements.

Argyle Garage Door Repair

1004 Stonecrest Rd, Argyle, TX 76226, United States
